Matching Your Quick Serve Restaurant's Technology Needs to the Leading Providers

Take Your Business To New Heights
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Don’t Settle For Less

Optimize Your Business Goals and Objectives

Telemitra has over 350 service providers under contract to match you to the best service for your store’s needs. Whether you are part of a chain with thousands of customers or a smaller company with only a few, we can help identify where your technology can improve and find the right solution for you at the best price.

Helping You Navigate Complexity

Technology Experts Just a Click Away

Now more than ever, companies striving for increased profitability and efficiency are looking to the cloud for solutions to bring their business to the next level. Whether you are looking for reliability or new functionality, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming. Telemitra can help. We provide expert guidance for you and your team, helping identify the best solutions for your current and future business needs.


What We Can Do For You

Every business needs a different kind of solution to fit their needs, but not every provider can supply the right one for you.  Our extensive list of providers grants you access to all of their solutions so we can help you to pick and choose the right options for you and your company. Whether you need guest WiFi, backup internet, upgraded phone service, or consolidated billing, we have the solution for for you. Call today to talk with our technology experts so we can start tailoring your custom solution. 

Smart Restaurants

Integrate technology solutions to monitor the overall performance and quality of your appliances. 

Secure Wi-Fi and Guest Wifi

Collect useful data from guests while providing a secure WiFi server to better know your patrons


Consolidated Billing

Effectively manage billing for all of your locations to reduce the strain on accounting resources.

4G Backup

Have your card readers been down? Never lose business when you lose internet with our 4G backup service. 

Case Studies

Enjoy the benefits of the cloud

Which solution is right for me?

Call today for your free consultation to find out which solution is the one for you. Telemitra provides the services, consulting, and platforms your restaurant needs to be successful. Choose the flexible resources with the help of our team to produce measurable results.

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